Interpreting the Covenant of Works
(6 pages)
A short essay pointing out that Reformed theologians do not agree
on the interpretation of the Covenant of Works. Four diverse approaches
are introduced, all held by men who are orthodox Reformed theologians.
The Covenant of Works: A Litmus Test for
Reformed Theology? (1 page)
Should the doctrine of the Covenant of Works be a litmus test for
Reformed orthodoxy? This essay argues that it should not.
Why Bertrand Russell Was Not A Christian
(5 pages)
At the Battersea Town Hall on March 27, 1927,
sponsored by the National Secular Society, Bertrand Russell delivered
the famous lecture entitled "Why I Am Not a Christian."
. . . It should be pointed out in passing that Russell's pontifications
about history have all the characteristics of the dogmatic religious
narrowness and bigoted ignorance that he professed to loathe. No
historian, Christian or non-Christian, would ever make the kind
of simplistic assertions that Russell made. More....