10 Lectures with Study Guide and Tests This course presents Shakespeare's plays from a unique perspective - Shakespeare's use of the Bible. With perhaps as many as 2,000 references, the 37 plays bequeath a rich but hitherto neglected source of Shakespearean treasure. Though the sheer number is surprising, the quality and significance of Shakespeare's Biblical references show how important Scripture was for him and how he understood it. Taking Biblical allusions into consideration, the interpreter can unlock puzzles about controversial characters and plots, and see some plays in a new light altogether. Study these ten lectures and explore the worldview of history's greatest literary genius. All profit from this course is donated to the Mitaka Evangelical Church, which has been aggressively promoting Christian education in Tokyo, Japan for over 20 years. By buying this course and introducing it to others, you will be contributing to a building fund for a facility, long-needed for the church to be firmly rooted in this hard soil of Tokyo, one fo the largest and most expensive cities in the world. As we labor in the field, help us to bear fruit that will remain. Join us in the cause of the Gospel in Asia.