Introduction to the Bible
Chapter EightThe Noahic CovenantThe covenant with Noah marks a new beginning. As is clear from the commission given him by God, Noah is regarded as a new Adam: "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 9:1). The destruction of the world by the flood brought an end to the Edenic era and to the worship system centered in the Garden of Eden. But just as God gave man a new covenant after the fall, God graciously gave man another new covenant after the flood. This new covenant, like all the covenants of the old covenant era, was an extension of the Edenic covenant. Like later covenants, the Noahic covenant added new revelation which further amplified the promise of the new covenant. As in the pre-flood era, each "new covenant" in the old covenant era ended with God's judgment on man's sin, because "in Adam" man cannot escape his sin. At the same time, however, the judgments of God in history were never merely negative. Each judgment furthered God's kingdom purpose by leading history unto Christ, the Second Adam who saves man. The Kingdom Situation The world changed radically after the flood. This probably included the
geographical changes that caused the drift of the continents. If theories
of a "water canopy" are correct -- the idea that the pre-flood
world was "covered" by a cloud layer that produced a greenhouse
effect, keeping the whole planet warm -- radical changes in climate and
in the surface of the earth would have been evident. In any event, Noah
and his family would have been quite conscious of the fact that they lived
in a new world. The Five Points of the Covenant The covenant with Noah is referred to explicitly as a covenant (Gen. 6:18), but there was no explanation of what a covenant is. In other words, covenant does not at all appear to be a new idea to Noah. The language of the covenant in Genesis 9, furthermore, makes it clear beyond reasonable doubt that the covenant with Noah was simply a continuation of the arrangement with Adam. Now, however, the covenant was given to a new race that was sinful from the beginning. 1. God as Creator, Redeemer and Judge of the world gives the covenant to Noah and his family. The divine initiative and grace is everywhere prominent. God's blessing establishes the covenant and gives man a new start. It is important to note that every covenant begins, as did the covenant in the Garden, with God blessing man (cf. Gn. 1:28). The covenant is never "neutral," nor is it ever based upon man's works. 2. Man as prophet, priest, and king is given new responsibilities. Noah
was clearly the ultimate human authority in the new world and was the
"king" of the race. He functions as a priest in offering sacrifices
(Gen. 8:20) and as a prophet in pronouncing blessings and curses on his
sons (Gen. 9:25ff.). But the primary difference in man's authority is
judicial. 3. Just as God had forbidden the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden, so now God forbade the eating of blood (Gen. 9:4). For the first time, however, it was specified that man is permitted to eat the flesh of animals (Gen. 9:3), though not, apparently, the animal sacrifices. The sacrifices offered by Noah were "whole burnt offerings" in which the entire animal was offered to God on the altar. Noah not only knew to sacrifice, he also understood the distinction between clean and unclean animals (Gen. 7:2-3). Beyond these few points, however, we do not know much more about how he led the worship of God. Speaking of ethics more broadly, the commandments of God were the same as they were for Adam and Eve. Noah and his sons were to fill the earth (Gen. 9:1), and rule over it (Gen. 9:2) so that the kingdom of God could be realized in history. 4. The blessing of the covenant is stressed when God gives the covenant
to Noah: "And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall
all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall
there any more be a flood to destroy the earth" (Gen. 9:11). The
sign of the covenant, the rainbow, was placed in the sky to remind God
-- not man -- of the covenant promise (Gen. 9:13-16). God promised that
He would never again curse the whole globe (Gen. 8:21). He would preserve
the regular patterns of creation so that man can know how to live and
build the kingdom of God (Gen. 8:22). This promise of regularity in creation
is the foundation for science. 5. Noah and his children were given a new world to inherit. God's grace was upon them. If they had keep his covenant, the blessing would have only grown. Rejoicing in God, Noah planted a vineyard. He seems to have been the first man to discover wine. At any rate, he drank the wine, a symbol of blessing and rest in the Bible. It was perfectly legitimate for Noah to drink wine and rest in his tent because his work was done. It was the proper time to enjoy God's blessing. The Bible never condemns Noah for his drinking here. His son, Canaan, who attempted to steal authority and blessing, symbolized in the robe of Noah, was condemned. His rebellion, however, was only a foretaste of what Noah's descendents would do later. Man's Covenantal Response Sinful man was not content to inherit the blessing of the covenant and labor patiently for God's glory. Rather than seek from God a temple or a place of worship, man attempted to build his own Eden, the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:4). The new race wanted a world center to preserve religious and political unity among themselves. More that this, man wanted the new world center to glorify himself. The tower of Babel, thus, was a declaration of independence from God. Now man himself would determine the way to heaven. In essence, the tower of Babel was the whole race of Noah's descendents imitating the sin of Canaan, which may be described as plotting to steal his father's authority and set up himself as king. Canaan's true heir, Nimrod, the great hunter, led men in a rebellion against the heavenly Father, seeking to "steal His robe" and set up a rival kingdom. God's Covenantal Judgment God "visited" the tower of Babel. He saw that men were unified,
but that it was a unity that worked against the kingdom of God. The Babel
system allowed wicked men like Nimrod to establish a political tyranny
upon the basis of a false religion from which it would have been difficult
for anyone to escape. The result could have only been a repetition of
the days before the flood, an age of universal corruption. To preserve
a remnant and confound the rebellious purpose of men, God confused man's
language so that men not only used different words for the same objects,
but had a different perspective on things. This led to mutual distrust
and the breakdown of the Babel establishment. |
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